Thursday, January 24, 2008


Are You Receiving Your Daily Free Mortgage Marketing Lessons?

Did you know that you have access to a series of free marketing lessons delivered to your postal mailbox and your email inbox every single day of the year? That's right, every day you receive a wealth of valuable marketing information that could improve your mortgage business dramatically.

If you're like most people, you are ignoring this valuable learning opportunity. In fact, you're probably throwing away your junk mail immediately and deleting emails without even looking at what's being offered and how it's offered.

As far as email goes...most of us sign up for mailing lists in order to access information. We understand that the price for that information is giving up an email address. The result is a series of subsequent marketing emails from the person providing the goodies. When we get those emails, we might read them or we might just delete them as we go about our daily business.

Whether it's a direct mail piece or an electronic email delivered to your inbox...what you should be doing is reading each of them very carefully. No, I'm not saying that every product offer you receive deserves your purchase via credit card! Far from it! What I'm arguing is that each of those offers is a free object lesson in marketing.

Read them. Analyze them. What is the person sending them doing right? Is the letter/flier or email a good one or a bad one? Is it effective or does it turn you off? Does it get your attention? Does it make you want to buy? Would it make others want to buy? What can you learn from it?

Pay careful attention to the mailings from successful marketers who are recognized as top performers in their fields. Learn from their direct mail and emails. In many cases, major advertising agencies have put these offers together at a tremendous cost.

I'm not suggesting that you read every piece of spam sent to you, but you should pay close attention to the opt-in mailings you receive. Even if you aren't interested in the product behind the mailing, the text of that copy itself can be extremely valuable to you as a mortgage professional and a marketer.

Everyday I receive over three hundred emails. Many of these are a result of my opt-ins to subscriptions, newsletters, and email courses. Some are just plain spam. I don't use any email filters because they also inadvertently filter out the good emails I want to read. The spammers will always win the battle with programmers that design our email filters. Never do I miss an important email because it was placed in a junk folder somewhere automatically.

I try to handle each email once. It is either deleted immediately or, if it is a result of my opt-in and covers topics like Real Estate, Mortgage and Finance, Internet Marketing, or Customer/Client stuff, I do a speed read and save it using the sender's name as the folder name. I don't save the emails in an Outlook folder...instead; I set up an email folder on an external disc drive and save each in their own file. If the email requires my action, it's flagged and left in the inbox until completed. It's then saved and the original message deleted.

You'll be surprised how quickly you can review your junk mail and email and benefit as a result. Subscribe to as much as you can and read them. You'll learn how to better market your mortgage products, how to refine your advertising copy, and much more. It's a completely free resource that deserves better treatment than a quick trip to the trash can or the delete key!

Tom Domin is the author of "101 Ways to Originate Mortgages" and publisher of "Tom's Mortgage Tips" a twice monthly Mortgage Newsletter geared for Mortgage Professionals. Put your mortgage career on the fast track and sign-up for FREE at Filia Blog52926
Eudora Blog73936

11 Key Steps to Developing an Effective Advertising Plan- from a South African Perspective

Once you have defined the target market, you can begin to design an advertising message and choose the media to transmit it. The advertisement should be built around a unique selling position, a key consumer benefit of the product or service. Generally a good advertisement should attract attention, develop interest, describe the product or service, convince the reader and get action. You can increase your adverts impact by applying the following 11 principles.

1. Design the message to reflect the image of the firm.

2. Plan the advert in advance to ensure a consistent appearance and message, the same borders, print styles and colours help customers recognise the company advert at a glance.

3. Use attention-getting techniques, value packed words and testimonials from customers.

4. Translate the products or services attributes into a specific consumer benefit, saving money or performing distasteful tasks etc.

5. Layout should be simple, the design should not detract from the message.

6. Message should be short, direct and built around a single idea.

7. Choose colours carefully.

8. Headline should grab the reader, 80% of customers don't read beyond the headline.

9. Use illustrations that complement the product or service, photographs or drawings of the product or service often attract more attention than words do.

10. Identify the company clearly, the company name, logo, address, telephone number etc.

11. Include the price, this is one of the most important considerations for many customers.

Andrew SmitFallon Blog44071
Evanne Blog55450

Is Duplication In Network Marketing a Myth?

Throughout the history of network marketing, duplication has been proclaimed as essential. Statements like, "If something is not duplicatable, do not do it" have been set in stone. Then one of the most high profile and most successful network marketers declares duplication is a myth. Is he right and if so, where does that leave us?

I think it is a matter of degree. The degree of duplicatability depends on what you are doing to build your network marketing business. Once upon a time their was no internet. We had to approach our friends, family, work colleagues and talk to anyone who came within 3 feet of us - that is one metre for you metric-heads. These examples demonstrate how our personality played a major role in our rate of success. Since each of us is unique, our personalities cannot be duplicated which lends weight to the argument that duplication is a myth, but then there is the internet.

On the internet everything can be automated. I can set up a, "just add water" marketing system with everything such as suggested headlines and ad copy; how to's on blog marketing, article marketing, search engine optimisation, effective pay per click advertising and much more.

I could make this marketing system available to everybody in my group and by using it they will get very similar results. They can duplicate me - but still only to a degree because - and this may surprise you - of the internet.

As soon as you offer a specific way to do something, word gets out and on the internet, most people will be using it within 48 hours and be competing with each other. The traffic exchanges demonstrate multiple examples of this. That being the case, the more determined and enterprising network marketers look for ways to tweak the system. A typical tweak for example, is to modify advertisements by changing the headlines and the body copy. How does this affect duplication?

Tweaking any part of the system introduces your own ideas and preferences - your personality. As your personality is unique, any changes you make, reduces by degree, the duplicatablity of the system, does it not? Back to the question - where does this leave you and me?

It doesn't change anything for you and me, because duplication never has existed, or at least not for any length of time. Modern technology such as the internet has raised the degree of duplicatability which merely provides for a larger percentage of the population to succeed than ever before. What will change things for you and me is to engage in constant and never ending improvement in everything we do in network marketing, which by default, reduces the degree of duplication.

Gordon Milton is a successful internet marketer who specialises in helping other network marketers achieve their financial goals. To learn more about his techniques, visit: http://gotitfigured.wsValentine Blog65372
Feliza Blog60990

Let a Professional Handle Your Retail Accounting Work

A retail shop is always buzzing with activity and at times it can get really difficult to keep track of all the things that are going on in the shop. If you are the owner of one of those busy retail shops, you will surely know how hectic it can be to handle all the things in the shop properly. It has been said many times that accounting is one of the crucial aspect of any business and retail business is no exception to the rule. Retail accounting is not the same as accounting that is done for any other business or individuals. A retail shop or business is involved in buying several products and due to the huge number of things that the business is dealing with it is very important to keep an account of all these things in the proper way.

Handling retail accounting of any business is simple, if you make sure that you hire the services of a professionally qualified accountant to do the work. It is understood that every individual that sets up a business whether it is a retail business or any other, will not be an expert in handling accounts. In fact handling the accounts of a retail business undertaking is a pretty hectic task and that is why as business owners you must ensure that you hire the services of the best retail accountant in business. The internet has simplified everything and our life has become pretty easy. You can make use of the internet to find out about the companies that provide the best retail accounting services to clients.

Before hiring the services of an accountant to handle the accounting of your retail business, it will be good if you check the credentials of the accountant. You are hiring the services of the accountant to handle the most important aspect of your retail business, so naturally you will want to hire that accountant who has the perfect track record of doing the work faultlessly. If you are confused as to how to go about hiring the services of the accountant, you can talk to people who have already used their services. This will give you a good idea about what to expect from the accountant and how the entire thing will be done by his team. Talk to the accountant and apprise him of exactly how you want him to handle the accounting work for your business. Make sure to check from time to time and find out the kind of work that is being done for you by the accountant.

There is certain retail accounting software available in the market that can help in maintaining the accounts and other financial records properly. The software is especially designed to suit the business requirement of business owners who are running a retail business. Through proper handling of the accounts of the business, owners will be able to identify which product is high in demand and which product is not. This will help them in making profitable business decisions.

Alvis Brazma gives advice to business owners about how to manage their business efficiently without any hassles. To know more about Accounting outsourcing services,Small business accounting,Real estate accounting,Retail accounting, Retail Accounting visit this leading internet source: http://www.impacctusa.comVeradis Blog13948
France Blog61891

IT Consulting Services: 3 Factors For Choosing What to Offer

IT consulting services are offered at different levels and types in almost all the virtual IT businesses you encounter. Deciding which IT consulting services you should offer is a key consideration when starting your business.

The IT consulting services you choose to offer should be driven by three main factors:

What your prospects want

Whats out there in the marketplace

What your competitors are offering

IT Consulting Services Your Prospects Want

Who better than the people who will use your services to tell you what IT consulting services they want? Start talking to people that you identify as fitting your sweet spot profile. Ask them questions about their current computer situation:

What do they use their computers for?

Whats working well?

Whats not working?

What could they use some help with?

Thats how you're going to figure out what they really need and what types of IT consulting services you should be offering.

IT Consulting Services in the Marketplace

Another way to figure out what kind of products and IT consulting services to offer is to read two key trade publications for small business computer consultants:

Computer Reseller News (CRN)

VAR Business

These two publications will keep you up to date with just about everything that you need to know about whats hot in terms of products and services. Let these publications be your filtering device. Because their focus is on the business of IT, they will identify the products that are cool and that also have great potential for you to build value-added IT consulting services into your virtual IT business.

IT Consulting Services Competitors are Offering

The final way to figure out what products and IT consulting services to offer is to conduct competitive intelligence. Basically, you spy on your local market.

Visit web sites

Look at your Chamber of Commerce Web sites

Visit links for anyone providing similar kinds of services

Google any type of IT consulting services for your city, county, province, state, zip code, postal code, area code, etc...

Once you know the IT consulting services that competitors are offering, analyze those services to decide the types of IT consulting services you want to offer, ones you don't want to offer, and ways to improve upon what is currently offered.

Bottom Line on IT Consulting Services

Figuring out which IT consulting services to offer can be daunting. Looking at what competitors offer and what is available in the marketplace should lead you in the right direction. The best way to decide which IT consulting services to offer though, is to ask your prospects directly. This way you know you have a market for whatever you decide to offer.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Small Biz Tech Talk. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg helps computer consultant business owners get steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for Joshua's free audio training that shows you how to use field-tested, proven Small Biz Tech Talk tools at Blog50160
Valli Blog66795

The Many Ways Of Making Money On The Net

Everyone has come across opportunities to make money on the net, be it starting your own business, being an affiliate member, autosurf programs, high yield investment programs (HYIP) etc. The list is endless and each program has its fair share of winners and skeptics.

Each venture has its amount of risk, be it in time, effort and finances. The norm is that the higher the risk, the better the returns. This is especially true for the autosurf and HYIP sites where the latter has sites advertising 100%+ profits in 24hrs for pretty much doing nothing except surfing or depositing, of course the risk factor has a direct correlation with the advertised returns!

The more stimulating and challenging, but equally rewarding is that of affiliate marketing, where an affiliate earns a commission for every sale made through his/her personal efforts be it through websites, emails or others. There are numerous internet gurus out there willing to share their secrets for a price to pave your road to success in the internet, teaching the various tried methods to drive traffic to your site, to reach out to millions etc. Do be careful of scams though!

The initial learning curve is steep but if you diligently follow through the steps, things do get remarkably clearer as one advances deeper.

What is involved in affiliate marketing? For starters, a small budgeting fund to secure the rights of a good program, setting up a site and advertising. Consider this as an investment to your future wealth, an exchange of a current expenditure for future easier spending when your pockets are fuller! Or take it as tuition fees for a course in internet marketing if all else fails in convincing oneself.

Within the downloads, there are many good tips and strategies for increasing your sites visibility via search engines, joining top affiliate sites, adsense, profiting from ebay, sales letters etc. effectively the how tos to optimize returns from your site(s).

Every journey must start from somewhere, be it simply opening a door to take the first step or hitting that Enter key on your keyboard. Cash will not simply drop into your lap although the process has been simplified by these internet gurus.

Currently, one such program has an attractive web site builder package included when one signed up as a VIP member. For those daunted by the prospect of having to design and build a site, this will take a load off ones mind.

Keep at it and keep an open mind, experimenting as you move along and the rewards will be more than the effort invested!

See the site results of the webby-building offer :

The Journey of a Thousand miles (translate that to cash) begins with a Single Step.

Vinny ChiaVentura Blog27779
Vin Blog80869

Brand Building 101: Does Your Business Card Build Your Brand?

Are you losing credibility and damaging the brand of your business through lack of attention to one of your critical marketing tools in your business, your business card? Discover how your business card can enhance your brand and ensure that you stand out from your competition.

When we are at a networking event or meeting a client, it's almost guaranteed that we will exchange business cards.

Very often, without realising it, we are assessing our colleague by their business card, and asking ourselves:

- Is the business card professionally designed?
- Is the business card crumpled at the edges?
- How does the weight of the business card feel - substantive or flimsy?
- Does it look like the business card has been made on their PC - or worse still does it have a message at the bottom of the card to say where you too can access free cards?

I have collected thousands of business cards over my time in business and every time I am sub-consciously assessing the professional status of them and their business when I receive their business card.

We review someone's card at least 3 times:

1. once on receiving it
2. a second time when we put it in our pocket, folio or bag as we leave the meeting
3. and a third time as we make a decision to keep it, transfer the information into our data bank or bin it!

Our business card is a critical part of our marketing collateral and even if you can not afford to put in place other marketing materials, short changing the investment in developing a professional business card is definitely not something we should do if we are looking to develop a professional brand.

When meeting someone in person, alongside how you present yourself in person, your business card can enhance or devalue the strength of your brand and how you are perceived by others.

Here are four tips to enhance your brand through your business card:

1. Ensure that you work with a professional designer to develop your business card. It's not whether you like the design, it's about whether it will represent your business effectively and professionally to your target audience

2. Ideally have your business card printed on 400g card and by a traditional lithographic printer. Yes it is more expensive than digital printing, but the quality is worth investing in and a litho print gives far greater definition to your corporate identity and the colour of your brand

3. Matt laminate your card on the reverse for extra stability and style. Don't laminate both sides as people will not be able to write on your card - we often note down things to remember about the person we met on their card

4. Use the valuable real estate on the back of your card to provide a call to action, for example, how to access your white paper or special report on your web site.

Take action:

Over the next 30 days, take the opportunity to review the business cards of your contacts and assess their card against yours.

1. What can you learn from other peoples business cards?

2. How could you take those learnings and further enhance your business card?

Your goal is to ensure that your business card is a positive reflection of both you and your company, and it represents a strong brand.

Invest in your business card, distribute it widely and you will be sure of expanding your professional success.

Krishna De invites you to join her in conversation with experts from around the globe to discover how to build your brand and grow your professional services firm at You will also receive access to Biz Growth Express a weekly newsletter bringing you strategies, inspiration and tips to grow your professional services practice. Register today at: Blog67766
Vikky Blog29382

Building Your Own Credit History

Modern times require modern actions and credit cards are the modern tools that anyone may need but not everyone may have. Establish a good credit history seems to be harder for those individuals who do not have a credit past, however it can be build up individually for the first time starting small.

Your credit history determines many economy-related activities in your life including getting a job, obtaining reasonable rates on insurance, purchasing an automobile or renting an apartment. So starting small building your credit history means that you can do some research for department stores and financial institutions where you can apply for small amounts of credit.

Do not forget to get a written copy of the conditions, terms and fees applying to the type of credit chosen. Penalties for late payments and interest rates may be slightly higher that other regular credits if the applicant does not have established credit.

Most experts recommend you to request a copy of your credit report from the three national credit bureaus. Yes, you may not have a credit history yet but the request will make the bureaus create the reports making it easier they put files on your credit report as soon as you start getting small credits.

Although there is, a possibility of getting those reports with information already included because any credit purchases made in your past is reflected on your credit history. If the file exists, make sure the information is accurate or immediately report any incorrect information so that they can take action to correct your file.

Another good option in building your credit history is to open a bank account, either a savings or checking account. Analyze the bank's financial products because there is no need to be a big investor to find some type of products offering savings accounts, checking accounts and debit card as a whole.

always Keep in mind that your bank accounts are to build a good credit history so do not miss your goal using them to purchase until you are in debt or you bounce checks. Getting a loan may round your credit plan if you pay consistently and pay all bills in a timely manner, so the granter may report this positive information to the credit bureau.

There are other useful strategies to build a credit history or improve your credit score if the history already exists. Apply for a secured credit car or prepaid card, open utility accounts such as gas, electric and phone service are just a few of them.

The most important thing to remember, use your cards or credits regularly to ensure that your report is updated regularly and pay your bills on time, because lenders look at the most recent information on your credit history report.

Fruzsina Csery is a freelence copy writer. She occasionally writes for Student Credit Cards.Esma Blog62881
Valina Blog84766

4 Ways To Increase Your Company's Sales

When faced with diminishing sales or a shift in profitability, sometimes a company will seek opportunities to expand sales by using different marketing methods. These time-tested marketing principles are used by businesses to seek out new opportunities to satisfy the needs of the consumer.

There are 4 ways to increase sales and expand revenue for your company. It is not necessary to use more than one of these methods. The best choice of the 4 methods is the one that will meet the needs of the company and the consumer best. This will provide a win-win situation for all concerned.

To increase sales consider one of the following methods for seeking opportunities in your target market:

1. Market Penetration:

Increase the market share of your current products in your present market. By up scaling your marketing mix you can increase your sales. To do this you advertise your present products more frequently and promote your company's image to the public through institutional advertising and publicity.

2. Market Development

You can also try to sell your present products in new markets. You have to do some market research on the needs of the consumers in these markets first. Your product may have other demographic groups that need it as well. This is a recommended area to investigate for more profit. Often your present products are in demand in other locations, with other age groups, or professional groups. This is an opportunity for more sales many companies look for.

3. Product development

You can increase your sales by offering new and improved products to your present market. This will give you an edge over your competition. Your customers will view your company as being progressive and up to date. This is not only a great way to increase sales, but your customers will remember your company because of the unique product you sell.

4. Diversification

If you are well established in one line of business, you may wish to diversify into a totally new one. This means moving into a new market with a new product. This can keep your profits on the rise. Here again, market research and marketing plans have to be made first.

As you can see there are opportunities for gaining sales in all four areas. The best choice for your business depends on your goals and the resources you have. The best way to capitalize on these strategies is to start with your present strengths and look for market opportunities that complement them. Then do your market research and planning. The sky is the limit when you plan ahead using these proven marketing tactics.

This article may be reprinted in full. The resource box and hyperlink must remain intact.

Marc Entz is the Editor of The SavePress Smart Money Directory, a new upbeat site for people who like valuable resources for saving money. You can read several articles with tips for business or pleasure, or catch up on a variety of related news at our website online now: Blog73936
Fidela Blog11842

Minneapolis School District Honors Volunteers

The B.J. Reed Award

Created in 1988, the B.J. Reed Award recognizes the work of volunteers in the Minneapolis Schools. The B.J. Reed Award was named in honor of Batty Jane Reed who founded the Community Resource Volunteer Program in 1965. B.J. Reed was a Minneapolis School educator who went on to be an author, poet and mentor. Originally the Community Resource Volunteer Program was intended to give entertainers, craftspeople, professionals, civic leaders and other working adults the opportunity to share their time and skills by becoming a part of the school curriculum giving classroom presentations. The CRV Program later expanded its focus and became the WISE Resource Volunteer Program. This program aims to have volunteers engaged in various functions across the Minneapolis Schools. B.J. Reed retired in 1981 but continued to be an integral part of the WISE Resource Volunteer Program until her death in 1995. The B.J. Reed Award is given annually to someone who has made outstanding contributions to Minneapolis students and the community.

Lawrence Looking Elk the 2006 B.J. Reed Award Recipient

The Sullivan Elementary School, one Minneapolis School, has gained a great deal from the volunteer work of Mr. Lawrence Looking Elk. Lawrence Looking Elk has become an almost permanent member of the Sullivan School community. The work he does at the school includes, but is certainly not limited to, volunteering in the Media Center, out on the playground during recess and in the lunchroom during breakfast and lunch. Lawrence Looking Elk has established a bond with the parents, teachers and students at Sullivan School. The parents of the school have been overwhelmed by their children love and devotion to Lawrence Looking Elk, who has developed the students trust in him based on his kind, gentle and understanding approach toward them. Lawrence Looking Elk has worked closely with the students in Sandy Chapmans classroom at the Sullivan School. Ms. Chapman attributes many of the scholastic gains her students have made to Lawrence Looking Elk and his work in the classroom. Lawrence Looking Elk has volunteered in the Sullivan Elementary School for three years and donated nearly 3100 hours of his time.

Lawrence Looking Elk is active in other ways in the Minneapolis Schools. He volunteers with many organizations including the Parent Committee for Indian Education, is Chairman of the Indian Education Board, and South High School Site Council (PUSH). In addition to volunteer work with these groups, he vigorously works to raise funds for activities for Native American Students. Lawrence Looking Elks experience from being in the schools and classrooms gives him the insight to know what changes are needed and he has the tenacity to work for the changes in the Minneapolis Schools that benefits all students. Lawrence Looking Elk received the B.J. Reed Award at June 13th meeting of the Minneapolis Board of Education. Last month, Looking Elk was also honored by his colleagues and friends at the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon held at St. Marys Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Violante Blog90710
Farrah Blog31887

How To Find Hot Niche Markets

Working out what your niche market will be to start your home business is something that can elicit much excitement. This is when you can put all those great ideas you have had for your business into a plan of action. Give yourself a number of options to work over. Some will be great and some won't fit. Get more than one so you always have a back up when you start a home business.

Look to 3 sources for ideas:

* A hobby you love: You won't find many hobbies from which you can't build a business. And since you enjoy doing it, it won't be tedious to "go to work" every day. When you pick something for your business that you sincerely like, you will have fun at doing it.

* Your experiences: In life we go though many experiences and you can use these to build a business. For example if you have raised children you can then put all your parenting experience together and start a business related to parenting.

* Your talents: Everyone has one or more talents within them. Dig down and see what yours are. You can start a freelance business using your talents.

Defining your niche market:

1. List out some ideas then put them in the order of what you like the best.

2. Go to the site listed here and put a key word into the overture suggestion tool box: This will bring up the amount of searches that have been done for your keyword and will represent demand.

3. If you search out that same key word on Google search engine then you will see websites supplying that item and you will know how many competitors are out there that will be competing with you when you start a home business.

4. If you find a topic that is demanded in quantity but low in the suppliers, you will then make money. This should be your special market for which you do your niche marketing. You will make more money with a niche market as you will reduce and sometimes even eliminate competition. Go through your list of ideas until you narrow it down to about

5. Then go through them again and see which one will fit into a niche market.

Establishing your USP:

Once you have found the concept that fits into a specialized or niche market it is time to establish your USP, Unique, Selling, Point. This is when you will take your idea, and see how you will make your business uniquely different from your competitors. Often neglected, finding the USP is something that new business owners need to do to set their item above the competition. Online businesses are very competitive and you have to stay ahead of the game.

There are two reasons you need to set yourself up as different from others:

1. Get ahead of your competitors

2. To clearly define to your potential customers why your product and service is better than your competitors.

Deciding on your business model:

Part of your business concept will not only be consolidating your ideas but also choosing your business model. There are a few that you can choose from:

* Affiliate marketing-Getting involved with affiliate programs will target your efforts

* Network marketing (MLM)- again this will target your market and idea.

* Marketing-taking the product and selling it

* Service- you should use your talents, which includes freelancing.

You can see there are a number of things you will have to do to get your business concept into operation. But it's worth it to plan and take care in developing it. It will be your foundation, after all.

Dan Farrell has a newsletter, Build An eBusiness On A Shoestring. To sign up with free bonuses, go to: Niche Market Ideas ( Felita Blog74340
Erika Blog56660

Human-edited Web Directories

A lot of people does not know that the website directories are reviewed by humans. Such directories are produced and maintained by editors who add links to their corresponding directory. In addition, the directory is categorized into various pages.

There are six types of link submissions that can be submitted for a review which are briefly discussed below:

1) Paid Submissions Here, a fee will be charged for reviewing the submitted link.

2) Reciprocal Link The site submitted should definitely link back to the directory if it wants to be listed.

3) Free Submission No fee/charge is required for a review of the site.

4) No Follow Here, search engines will not follow the link as there is a NO FOLLOW tag associated with the link

5) Featured Link Here, the link is given a top position in the category where it is submitted.

6) Featured Homepage Link - Featured Homepage Link means that the link can be listed on the homepage of the directory

Some directories have a general attitude in focusing and they list all links while others focus on merely a particular area. Directories are categorized as either niche or general directories by the experts.

Directories have gained mass popularity as people who engage in search engine optimization tend to augment the number of links pointing to their site. Submitting to directories is a working method for attaining more and more links.

Human edited directories are perceived as an essential part of a strategy for being indexed in Altavista, Google or other well-known search engines. The idea behind it is that a new site needs to quickly build inbound links from high profile sources for having a higher ranking within search engine outcomes. The directories, however, may confine search engines from rating a displayed link by using techniques like no-follow attribute, redirects etc.

In a nutshell, A human-edited directory is engendered and taken care of by editors who add links to their directory, which is organized into distinct pages for categories/sub-categories.

The Author SeoAmitPatel is a SEO Expert who owns a SEO Company and which is working a major SEO Project Blog64042
Filide Blog76677

Value of web Directory Submission

It is a very good thing to have internet directories. Why? Because, they are very different to Search Engines. How are they different? Search Engines use little programs called bots that scour the entire internet for updates to millions of millions of web pages right across the world. Therefore, if your web site is listed in a Search Engine and the bot does not reach your web page or site then your web page or web site is not listed in the Search Engine directory.

Directories are either fully automated, semi automated or manually operated for the content found in them. So, if you can get your web site or web page listed in a directory then you get both bites of the cherry! How?

A directory with good page rank will draw traffic, hopefully finding the link to your site.

Bots will regularly crawl web sites or web pages with high page rank. Which means the bots will see your link on a high page rank directory.

This is a much better idea than relying on Search Engines! So, what are the high page rank directories? There is a great deal of them. However, the web directory highlighted in this article is

Baluchor Web Directory has a page rank 5 out of a possible 10. To have a web directory that has this level of page rank means it has a lot to offer. The bots crawl the directory deeply and regularly. It has an easy on the eye colour scheme and is very easy to navigate around the site. You can three options for link submission, Paid, Regular and Reciprocal. Why not submit your links today!

Imteaz Ahmed is the owner of Baluchor Web Directory. You can find more information at Valentina Blog86755
Evangeline Blog26207

Dont Be a Fool With Online Businesses

There are many legitimate work at home Internet business possibilities and many reputable offers to do so online but, there are also some major scams going on. You need to be very diligent in your homework for finding the right home business opportunity for you.. Medical Billing is a huge one to look out for. Advertised as one of the best work at home Internet business ideas, these schemers are just out for your money. The want to charge you a fee up front and then leave you hanging in the wind to try and find work. Other business opps like envelope stuffing charge you upfront for your hard work and then reject the work you have done leaving you high and dry.

The promise is that youll make a lot of money as doctors outsource their billing to you. You can, they say, work in accounts receivable, insurance claims and physician or dentist practice management. Including in the presentation is the assurance that not only do you not need experience but that their sales staff will kick start your work at home Internet business by putting you together with health care clients. The reality is that if you have any chance at all to make any money or even get your initial investment back youre going to have to find your own clients.

The investment for this alleged lucrative work at home Internet business is not small typically $2500-$9000. Prior to your commitment you will be mailed a business brochure, the application and license agreement (contract), document of disclosure, diskette samples, references and testimonials and videocassettes. Your investment is supposed to result in training, software and technical support. The references are commonly shills the name for people that a company hires to provide favorable but dishonest testimonials.

The reality is that medical billing is seldom a lucrative work at home Internet business. Few people who purchase these programs are able to find enough clients to even recoup their investment much less make a living at it. Its not that medical billing isnt a legitimate business. Its that the competition is fierce and the market is saturated. There are many scams on the internet today. You must choose wisely and do your homework before you give any of your hard earned money to anyone.


Ann Nichols Home Biz EntrepreneurEvita Blog10111
Fernandina Blog31544

Charlotte Schools Team Up With Local Businesses to Improve Schools

Office Max Donates Funds to Charlotte Schools

One Charlotte Schools member started off the school year with a big boon. Nations Ford Elementary School has received a $5,000 donation from Office Max. This donation is linked to the opening of a brand new Office Max in Rivergate Town Center on Sept. 6. Charlotte Schools teachers from Nations Ford Elementary Schools were invited to the grand opening ceremony where they could purchase additional school supplies for their classrooms. This donation will help the teachers get much needed supplies for their students and classrooms.

Along with the $5,000 donation, teachers received pre-packaged goody bags filled with office supplies and barbeque from Damons restaurant. The whole ceremony had a very festive feel. Customers can sign up for a give away featuring $1,000 shopping sprees and other prizes.

Charlotte Schools Join Up with The United Way

The United Way has a long history in the Charlotte area. The United Way currently operates three programs with the Charlotte Schools: Right Moves for You, A Childs Place and Communities in Schools. Charlotte Schools launched its United Way fundraising campaign on September 21. A rally was held where the Charlotte Schools Superintendent Peter Gorman and United Way 2006 regional campaign chair Michael Baker spoke. Preschoolers from the Charlotte Schools also joined the rally in order to say thank you to the donors who help meet the years goal of $44 million. This partnership not only raises funds for the students and children in the Charlotte area but allows students to interact with adults who offer positive influences.

Charlotte Schools School Resource Officer Program

The Charlotte Schools School Resource Officer Program is a joint program with Charlotte Schools and the local police force. The program puts police officers in Charlotte Schools were they can help teach the students about character and safety while providing advice on security to Charlotte Schools. A current School Resource Officer Robert Kierce received a standing ovation after returning from ten months of active duty in Iraq to Charlotte Schools Jay M. Robinson School.

Kierce was very surprised when the students and Parents welcomed him back to the School Resource Officer position at Jay M. Robinson School. Originally when he left for Iraq with the Marine Corps in June of 2005, the Jay M. Robinson School gave him a send off parade and gave him gifts of phone cards and coloring books for Iraqi children.

Kierce, who has a forensics science degree, will spend time in science classrooms this school year, as well as in history classes, where he plans to talk about some of his experiences in Iraq. He is slowly returning to the routine as the school year begins. Kierce has worked with the Charlotte Schools in the School Resource Officer Program for about seven years.

Charlotte Schools and V101.9 FM Launches Terrific Teacher Tuesday

Charlotte Schools is partnering with V101.9 FM to create "Terrific Teacher Tuesday. This program was created to reward elementary school teachers in the Charlotte Schools. On the second Tuesday of the month, V101.9 FM will introduce a teacher and discuss why this teacher is a good teacher. Then the radio station will choose a winner by announcing it on air and then visiting the teacher at school. Teachers can be nominated by parents, students, and staff at all Charlotte Schools Elementary Schools by writing a 100 word description of why this teacher is terrific.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Charlotte schools visit Blog23784
Vanda Blog21916

How Article Marketing Is Helpful In Search Engine Marketing

Article Marketing has a whole range of benefits that can transform the fate of a website from pauper to prince. First and foremost, it is a great strategy to invite qualified net traffic without having to beg or nudge. The whole idea is very logical. The website submits informative article across free of cost forums, blogs, ezines et al, which in turn may further change hands with other websites out of interest or a nominal amount of fee. Thus by submitting the article to some hundreds or even thousands of websites, the website establishes its web presence. And from there on the article does the rest.

When readers seeking information go through these articles, they esteem the embedded link high as they look up at the website as an expert in the field. In other words, the website has a boosted creditability.

Enthused by the resourcefulness of the article, the readers helplessly click on the link and bookmark the website. Thus, the website receives quality and qualified leads, as the readers are usually inclined to sign up for newsletter or send a query. The leads are highly qualified or potential business simply because of the nature of how they found out the website.

The website experiences surge in traffic to the website, as the articles are highly circulated and read. The website receives plethora of potential and genuine inbound links. These inbound links being received from outside the website, expansively scattered on web, are enumerated as votes of confidence by the search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN et al. In direct consequence, the web page of the site containing the link starts topping the SERPs. As it is a well-known fact that more than 80% of the net users rely on the search engines to reach their desired websites, the ranking immensely upturns the web traffic to the website.

The increased web traffic through SERPs and inbound links generated through the articles obviously attracts highly qualified traffic. These visitors to the site are seriously looking for the subject supported by the website. This also means that the visitors are most likely to translate into business. Hence, the website enjoys better business prospects and optimized turnover over time.

Article Marketing offers a website a more influential advertising strategy than regular advertising. The expert status endears potential customers to the website before they even visit the website. This also implies a positive outlook when they browse through the website. Hence, a good website enjoys every chance of a better feedback than otherwise. Studies allege that Article Marketing is 7-10 times more effective a marketing strategy than regular advertising.

The e-zines, blogs and forums are free of cost web destinations that generously invite articles to promote their own business interests. The sites inviting submissions are further surfed by researchers and other e-zines in their quest for quality articles for their newsletters/ articles. Thus, the website gets further free ads in various newsletters, as they end up picking up the articles and reprint them to their newsletter base, which automatically distributes the content to their thousands or even more, permission-based members.

Article Marketing builds indispensable link popularity for the website as the circulated articles create more and more links to the website from other sites. An important SEO strategy, link popularity bestows higher rank to the website. Link popularity establishes net presence of a website in the true sense of the word as it also accumulates brand equity.

Jonathan White has been involved in article and other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns SimplySearch4It Articles Marketing Directory & SimplySearch4it UK Articles Directory http://articles.simplysearch4it.comVeronique Blog66843
Filide Blog45093

Starting an Online Business- All By Yourself!

The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your arm. That is an old Swedish proverb that hangs in my office. A little over a year ago I was a complete newbie to online businesses. I had absolutely no experience in building websites or HTML coding. I was completely green to the possibilities of the Internet.

In less than a year, I have 2 thriving online businesses and a few smaller ones as well. There is no doubt in my mind that within a few months, those small web businesses will be just as lucrative for me. I just need to find the time to grow and nurture them.

This is an article for the smart, down-and-dirty entrepreneur. This online business article speaks to those folks who truly and utterly get it. Starting an online business is easier than many think. The trick is to know who to trust and when to pay out. Read on for more detailed insights.

When to Do It Yourself

Truth be told, I am a huge fan of doing it yourself. I think the best online business owners are those that can reproduce a profitable web business in any niche. After all, a web business in the fitness industry is built the same as one in the knitting industry.

I could have paid someone thousands upon thousands of dollars to build my online business site. I decided against it though. At the end of the day I would not have gained any online business knowledge had someone else built my site.

I would not gain any knowledge about HTML, linking strategies, RSS feeds or anything else. I would have to pay a website builder thousands and thousands of dollars every single time I wanted to build a web business.

Let me ask you this: if there was a pain free, simple, hand holding guide that taught you to build an online business would you be interested? What if the guide was free? Well it is. You may contact me and I'll forward it to you. Learning the "how-to's" of building your own online business is one of the smartest investments you will ever make.

That guide will walk you through everything you need to know about creating an online business all by yourself. It talks about hosting, domain names, RSS feeds, linking strategies, newsletters, HTML coding (or the lack thereof necessary to build a site), search engine positioning and much more. It is a complete blue print to developing your online business.

When to Pay Someone

Just as I am a firm believer in building your website yourself, I believe in paying professionals from time to time. I outsource all graphic work to true graphic artists. I pay for logo designs, business card printing, and merchant accounts.

I believe in minimizing customer service issues. All of my billing is through a third party source. All of my products are digital or shipped directly from a third party company. They handle customer service. I simply refer their products.

The goal of a web business is to be profitable, efficient and fun! Being a web business owner is far better than being an employee. Think about that for a moment. You want to increase your profits. Create an online business by using all of your resources. Just recognize the difference of when to pay someone and when to learn it yourself.

Copyright 2006 Lynn VanDyke

Lynn VanDyke's content website is in the top 1% of all websites worldwide according to Alexa. She recommends this hosting company for your online business: . For your free online business "How To" guide, please visit: Blog35826
Felisha Blog2080

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Striking Keyword Gold

Keywords are all the buzz these days, but the migration of keywords from what they were a year or two years ago to where they are now is a different thing altogether. Authors, entrepreneurs and business owners know they need keywords in their web site, in their press releases and in their articles but they dont often know how to find these keywords or what the best keywords are to use.

When your web designer says to you: Pick your keywords for your web site the first thing you think of are the root or gut feel keywords. These are almost always wrong. Why? Lets dig into this further and find out.

Lets say youre looking for a doctor. Are you going to go online and search for the keyword: Doctor Doubtful. Youll probably go online and search for doctor + internal medicine + San Diego, meaning that you want to find a doctor in your specific area and for your focused needs. If, as the doctor, you used the keyword doctor youd end up with a mishmash of traffic to your site and, if you were using these keywords for articles or press releases, neither of those would bring up much in the search engines.

Why keywords?

The long tail has really forced us to dig further into our markets than ever before. In fact research has shown that regardless of the type of search someone is conducting, a consumer who uses focused, finite language is much more likely to buy than a search based on gut feel words. Let me give you an example.

Lets say youre looking for a red car, you want a new car and it has to be red. On a fluke you think: Hey, Lexus makes a nice ride, let me see what comes up when I do a quick search. So you plug in the keywords: red + Lexus, what do you find? A hodgepodge of sites related to everything from the Lexus that someone is trying to sell on eBay to the guy so in love with his car hes created a MySpace page about it.

Chances are it doesnt really matter because you werent that interested in the red car to begin with. But if you search on more finite terms, lets say red + Lexus + 4WD + sunroof, now were talking a consumer who is 95% closer to a buy than the guy Googling red + Lexus. In order for you to find your audience in the maze of traffic and the enormity of messages online, youll need to get very, very focused.

Getting clear, getting focused

So how can you get focused? Well first, why not try surveying your customers or readers? Ask them to fill in a quick little survey and see what search terms come to mind when they think of your book, message, or product (to get more buy in to this survey, offer them a freebie if they do it).

Other ways to gain access to keywords are keyword search tools like Wordtracker and Overture. Both of these sites have a learning curve and Wordtracker does have a monthly fee (but if you have all your data together they offer a free one day trial that might get you started). But buyer beware! According to AMEs keyword expert, Susan Gilbert: If you go to and type in your keyword, you will get the results from search in Yahoo for that term only for the prior month.

"However, these numbers are not accurate.(Every time someone types a keyword into yahoo for SEO purposes, it counts as a search). Search numbers are only part of the equation, however. You have to evaluate the "results" aspect (how many pages of information are available in that search engine for that term). It's finding the perfect relationship between a keyword that has enough searches with low(er) competition that will tell you the best keyword terms for your purpose.

As youre navigating through a site like Overture, they key is to look for supply vs. demand. Ideally you want a keyword thats being searched on that doesnt have a ton of supply. Lets take the diet industry as an example, if youre trying to promote your message of diet and healthy living, using the word diet in your article, press release or web site keywords probably wont get you much ranking. Why? Well everyone in this market is using this same word, but if you dig even further into this market youll find that the search term: Lose weight fast is getting a lot of searches but very few returns. When thats the case those are the keywords you want to zero in on.

So how do you know if your keywords are working? Test them. Youll see very quickly if theyre working or if theyre too general to matter. Sometimes the only way you can find out is if you test, test, test. Web 2.0 strategies are always growing, building and changing. And speaking of changing, you might wonder how long keywords will last. Well, that depends. According to Gilbert: Keywords could work for months or years. There's no telling because the WWW is constantly filled with new sites and new information. Use the keywords immediately, and for as long as you are getting results.

Once you finalize your keywords youll want to use them, but not overuse them. Id recommend using your keywords in the article or press release title, then once in the first paragraph and once in the last paragraph. This will tie in your words nicely without overusing them.

The key with keywords is to understand that the more focused you can get, the better your results will be. Yes, its a lot of work but the benefits can be enormous and like anything on the Net, its growing and changing and if you can adapt and learn, you can grow your campaigns and your success!

Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., is a book marketing and media relations expert whose company has developed some of the most cutting-edge book marketing campaigns. Visit http://www.amarketingexpert.comFay Blog62409
Erinn Blog24501

Get FREE Advertising!

As a business owner, youre probably inundated with advertising offers and salespeople who want your money to advertise on billboards , radio and television, in newspapers and magazines. These salespeople promise massive exposure and hint at lucrative results and return on your investment. But youre concerned about the risk. A lot of advertising simply wont work for you. The good news is that there is an alternative.

The advertisers have space available and it costs them very little. Thats why theyre trying to sell it. Heres what I did. (I always talk with the Decision Maker, not the salesperson, who only wants a commission). I was approached by a well-known national business magazine to advertise my marketing seminars.

Robin: Tell me honestly: for me to advertise in your magazine, I will need to sign up at least 50 people per seminar, per city. Then I will make a profit and be able to pay for your adverts. I know you cant guarantee anything, but, if you were me, would you go ahead with this advertising?

Magazine: Oh, yes, no question about it, Robin I would write out a check right now.

Robin: What Id like to do is to pay you DOUBLE for this advertisement. Youre being honest with me, right?

Magazine: Of course, but why pay me double what Im asking?

Robin: You place the adverts, people respond to you (so you have full control) and you send me the replies. When they pay and sign up for the seminars, I will pay you $X per sign-up. That way, if I reach the target which you have assured me is a very reasonable expectation, you get paid double. When can we start?

You will have worked out the numbers and calculated how much you could comfortably afford to pay them per sale. They assured you that they would take the advertising investment risk if they were you, so it is logical that they should take the risk themselves. After all, they do mean what they say, dont they?

This is called Contingency Advertising. Pay for results, not promises. Remove the risk let the advertiser take the risk. Naturally, not every advertiser will do this, but its a numbers game. Ask enough advertisers and youll get a few takers. I have done this numerous times. When the ads didnt work, I walked away with free exposure. When they did work, we all did well.

For more than 19 years, Robin J. Elliott has worked with thousands of businesses in over 49 industries across the United States, Canada, and Africa. He specializes in helping small business entrepreneurs build wealth and gain access to new markets and profit centers through Joint Ventures. Through his Joint venture Seminars across North America he has thought thousands how to create increasing, multiple streams of income without cost or risk and very little time.Fidelity Blog94348
Ester Blog28908

What is Internet Marketing?

There are hundreds of ways you can categorize "internet marketing", but I think for our purposes, it's safe to say they'll all fit in 2 categories:

Selling and "providing"

In general, selling would be considered giving a customer a product or service for money in return. This is a more advanced form of internet marketing, reason being it takes more time, more resources, more work, and more money to start out with.

What I want to focus on is the second category, "providing" - giving for free. Examples of this type of internet marketing are all over the web, anything from offering free articles, or offering free graphics. If you're ever going to get into internet marketing, this is where you should start if you have no previous platform.

The engine to offering free services or products is in Google's Adsense, one of the most widely used CPC (cost per click) ad program. This is how the money is generated and put into your pocket! Here is a crash course on how Adsense works... Advertisers (corporations/businesses) pay Google to display these ads, and google pays us to display the ads on our sites. The more people clicking the more money Google makes, therefore the more money we make. Get it? Good.

So now you at least have a clue of what internet marketing is about, at least the kind I do. We offer a service or product that people will be interested in. Then we put Google Adsense on our website to earn revenue. The more traffic we get, the more clicks we'll potentially get, the more money we'll potentially earn!

It may seem like a mouthful now, but once things start rolling, it's a breese. In my next post, we'll start the process of creating our online income source if I'm not sidetracked by other things (grins).

Bobby Chindaphone is an Internet Marketer, check out his Blog at This article may be used freely for non-commercial purposes and only if this entire paragraph is included.Fidelia Blog7043
Filide Blog76677

Can Internet Coupons Replace The Conventional Ones??

Internet coupons or online coupons are becoming very popular especially in the last few years. A coupon is nothing but a document or a ticket which can be exchanged for a rebate or even a financial discount while buying a product or some other piece. The internet marketers are looking at online coupons as one of the best ways to attract customers to their businesses.

Conventionally any type of coupons is given by the retailers or the manufacturers of consumer packaged goods, which can be used in the retail stores. They see these coupons as a means of sales promotion. They are normally issued through magazines, mails, news papers and of late through the internet. When the coupons are distributed through the internet/ World Wide Web they are called online coupons or internet coupons.

Internet coupons are very cheap and at times there is no cost that has to be taken care of by the business man. As the user has to take care of the printing cost also, the businessman can easily distribute these coupons for a negligible cost. As the number of people using the internet is increasing exponentially in the recent times, it is very easy to reach a huge number of interested customers through the internet for almost all kinds of businesses. In addition to this, as so many valid mailing lists are available at a very reasonable cost, businesses are getting attracted towards the usage of internet coupons rather than going for the conventional ones.

The trend of internet coupons is not only on a raise in the United States market but it is also on the raise in the Asian and European markets. The main reasons behind this are the increased usage of the internet and low cost involved in the distribution of the coupons over the internet.

The online marketers call these internet coupons with a wide variety of names. Some of them include promotional codes, coupon codes, shopping codes, promo codes and so on. What ever the name given to these internet coupons may be; but the main intention behind their distribution is the sales promotion. How ever, internet coupons can not be a supplementary thing to the conventional coupons in many businesses like retail and manufacturing and so on. Hence these online coupons should be treated only as the complementary coupons to the conventional ones at least until the internet penetration goes up to 90%.

Lanny Hintz writes about, and Blog4149
Veda Blog50160

Warp Speed Wealth By Derek Gehl From IMC An Honest Review

There has been a lot of buzz around Dereks Gehl Warp Speed Wealth system that was released April 2006. Many people were wondering why the Internet Marketing Centre (IMC) releases a similar product to their flag ship product the Internet. Well, its easy to explain. The Internet Marketing Course is the flagship course of IMC. It explains simply just everything. Not one single detail is missing and you have to work the course in order to make it happen. Well, because many people are interested in getting some quick revenues, Derek Gehl and his IMC team have decided to launch a smaller version of the IMC course that explains the most important steps how to make money on the internet quickly! Derek Gehl has condensed all the important information how to create information products to sell for massive income and put it together in the Warp Speed Wealth System. For all who dont know Derek Gehl. He is the CEO of the Internet Marketing Center since August 2005 after the sudden death of internet guru and legend: Corey Rudl - the guy who converted $20 US into a $40 Million US internet empire.

I have bought the Warp Speed Wealth System and worked with program. I would like to give an honest and full review on this system. If you consider buying this program read on and make up your own mind.

Delivery to Australia took only less than a week and the program arrived in a glossy professionally made box. I found a lot of material and was quite shocked at the beginning: how can I ever find the time to go through all this material. But I sat down and made a plan to watch one DVD a week. Sounds not a lot but each DVD is accompanied with a workbook manual, so you certainly need some time. If you consider buying this course you can watch the DVDs maybe in a shorter period of time. There are DVDs where Derek talks Live on stage on one of this weekend seminars. Thats really powerful stuff and you have to keep in mind that youll have exactly the same experience as the people who paid over $2,000.00 in travel expenses to watch Derek live in person.

There are over four hours of training on these DVDs. That includes carefully chosen highlights of Dereks seminar SPILLING MY GUTS in special break out clips.

I personally enjoyed the concept of How to find hot Products to sell on the internet and how to avoid the #1 mistake made by 90% of Internet entrepreneurs. Derek explains step-by-step that you NEED to search for a market FIRST, before you make a product and not create your product first and then look for the market. Listen, if you are new to internet marketing and want to prosper from it (basically everyone can), this information is basically a Must-Read in my view. I havent found such a detailed but easy to follow plan how to information products and earn big.

Here are some topics of the Warp Speed Wealth System by Derek Gehl, IMC:

* Where to find FREE tools that you can use to create a web site -- in less than a few hours!

* How to save thousands of dollars and build your own money-making web site quickly and easily (even if you're totally new to computers)! You do NOT need to know HTML!

* How to Drive 1,000's of Eager Buyers to Your Web site -- Exclusive 55-page Guide

* Make Thousands Every Month By Recruiting A Sales Force of 100... 1000... even 10,000 People Who Will Do All Of Your SELLING FOR YOU!* (In this third guidebook, you'll discover the exact same strategies Derek uses to attract over 1.8 million visitors to my sites every single month... !!!!)

But, there is much more You will also meet Jermaine Griggs, a 21-year-old kid from the inner city making $800,000 a year with exactly this system. This is an amazing story and the interview with Cory and Jermaine of an additional bonus DVD is truly inspiring. But thats not allDerek gives you also some excellent bonuses you need to have, like Dereks Rolodex of 167 Must-Have Internet Marketing Resources. I was amazed also by his $50 US Yahoo! Search Marketing voucher. That means you can get immediately a Yahoo! Search marketing advertising account and you can bid on some of your keywords. I actually tried this PPC offer first and placed some bids on keywords promoting another affiliate program. I was amazed when I checked my Clickbank account that I have made two sales overnight. Wow ! Thats all what I could say.

So, overall WARP SPEED WEALTH is the most comprehensive system you can find on the internet to make money. Of course there is some time involved to work the program but basically you can get started immediately and have your first product out in a couple of weeks time.

Thomas H. is webmaster of monster-ebook-sale and publish regularly product reviews such as the Warp Speed Wealth System. Click here for more information Blog69142
Vicky Blog58033

An Introduction to Internet Marketing And Me

This will be the first blog post of my life. To be honest, I always thought blogging was stupid and I had my reasons which I will not go into.

My name is Bobby Chindaphone, I'm 18 years old. I'm an internet marketer. I've been in this industry for nearly a year, and so far I've been truly successful as far as reaching and even surpassing the goals that I've set. I never believed in "making money online" or "working at home". I do now.

What exactly is "internet marketing"? Simply put, it's marketing on the internet. Offering products or services using the internet as a medium for potential customers to come to you.

For two years I worked at a shoe store making $6.00. My average paycheck there was $200 if I was lucky. Two hard weeks of part time work everynight after school, I made $200 per two weeks and $400 per month. That's not too bad you might think. It's horrible.

In 1 month's worth of time investment, I started my own marketing plan, and executed it. At the very moment that I am typing this, I am making double what I did working at the shoe store. In a couple months from now with little to no effort, I'll have doubled my monthly profits yet again. It's true and even I never thought it would happen.

So yes, there is money to be made on the internet. Advertisers and consumers alike, spend more and more every year. Who's to stop you from taking your own share?

It's tough, yet it's so simple.

Bobby Chindaphone is an Internet Marketer, check out his Blog at This article may be used freely for non-commercial purposes and only if this entire paragraph is included.Fatima Blog39792
Fannie Blog87258

How to Make Money Online Basic Principle by Azard Hosein

You would think in todays world making money online would be the simplest thing in the world, right? I mean you take something youre interested in, or a product you have to market, you create a website, buy some place to put the website and bang your making money, right?


Ok, i hear you say, but hang on the search engines will pick it up and traffic will come wont it? Well actually yes they will pick it up (if you submit it) but just because you are now on the web doesnt mean you are the next or The fact is you need to be pro-active and drag people to your site by advertising in the right manner.

So why do you need traffic? & How do you get traffic to your site?

Well the fact is, and this is a secret you need to remember because everyday I am shocked as to how many people dont know this... The fact is there is a buyer for every product out there.

Thats right!

It doesnt matter what you sell or what service you provide, one of the billion plus people who use the internet every day is going to be interested. The trick is in finding enough of those one billion people who are interested to (a) get you to breakeven point & (b) make a sustainable profit that provides a good income from.

So how do you find people who are interested in your product?

You dont. (What!) i hear you say... but what happens is they find you. Ill say that again so you understand They find you!

Thats right you need to create an internet marketing network so that whenever someone types in for example internet marketing into a search engine, like Google, your results come up. Ill tell you now that you just wont do that by submitting one website to search engines the network you must create needs to be very wide and specific to your area of product or service.

The methods of forming this network are the subject of a different article but the point is so important that i have dedicated an entire article about it. I see far too many people falling down and giving up, not because they had a bad idea but because they didnt know how to bring traffic to their site.

Internet marketing is the essence of making money online. If anyone is reading this and is think about selling anything on the web my best advice is to learn how to market on the internet before anything else.

When you learn how to market on the internet you can take any product or service and make money online from it. The sea will get a lot smaller and you will be the fisherman with the largest net.

See you in the winners circle.

Azard Hosein is a successful Pilot, Author and Internet Marketer. Founder of the successful website which shows people how to market properly on the internet. Azard now turns his attention to helping and mentoring people in setting up businesses online and making consistent incomes from online income streams.Vannie Blog66962
Farrand Blog1292

Why Is It Dominant To Get SEO Services For Your Company!

Why is it absolute for your company to fetch search engine optimisation "Seo" services for your website?

Competition on the Internet is tough. As of March 2006, there are around 50 million websites and 80 million registered domains on the Internet. Each one of those websites has a product to sell and a message to deliver. With over one billion public worldwide surfing the Internet on a day-to-day basis, the goal of each website is to corner a share of that market in order to assign money. To do this, a company must drive as a lot traffic to their website as possible, and from the volume of traffic going to the website, the company forms its customer base.

Enquiry has shown that 90% of all Internet users use the three major search engines: Google, Yahoo and MSN. These search engines are designed in such a way that whenever a user types in the needed search keywords, the search engine will bring up a list of websites ranked according to their relevancy to the keywords typed in. The more associated a website is to a set of keywords put in, the superior is its ranking is on the search engines results.

How does a getting Seo service come into this picture? You see, absolutely search engine users only take the time to visit the top 20 websites listed on the results page brought up by the search engine. They usually do not disturbance anymore with websites with lower rankings. Thus, absolutely of the traffic goes to the highest-ranking websites while the lower-ranking ones are left high and dry.

It is clear then that to earn money with your website, your website has to have a high search engine ranking. To overcome this, it has to be search engine optimised.

Besides that, your web site is an integral part of your market plan. It may be the first view your visitors have of your firm. You therefore must to update and maintain it regularly so your visitors will want to revisit and keep doing market with you. Now, growing number of companies are realizing that their sites neediness to be designed in accordance with the basic Seo guidelines described by Google and other search engine. Online market is grown volcanically and if you are not aware about the potential of Seo services, then you are surely missing some of the powerful stuff in present market scenario.

The services provided by Seo are on page optimization, one way link building, article submissions, directory submission, content writing, and press release. From these services you can expect top search engine rankings. Seo services mainly concentrate on superior site traffic, more visibility over competitors, greater brand recognition, lower cost/new customer, enhanced sales and conversions, performance feedback, and lower promotion costs.

Seo services are cost magnetic from other marketing services in the long boost. They are sound and robust in their effectiveness and are very a lot promising in getting you the results you have set. Unlike other traditional types of advertisement, Seo can turn you fast results. Seo ranking has more leadership than emails, banners, pay-per-click ads which are shown especially on the side or in a box.

But Seo involves many and various aspects of site design and content, it requires dedicated enquiry, technical expertise, and distinguished communication skills. It's no longer sufficient to specify a list of keywords in your website's Meta tags. Many and various factors affect modern search engine value, and it is critical to look at everything the search engines do: from website copy to file naming and site navigation.

Presently, almost of the advertising companies are launching their websites and the main objective behind it is to return maximum number of targeted customers to their websites. It ultimately helps them to increase the sales of their products and services. But you cant gain your target with non-search engine-friendly website. For better Seo visibility of your website, you must to implement your website search-engine-friendly whether your enterprise is partly or wholly related to internet; Search Engine Visibility has a great role in making your website SE-friendly. You should design your website for search engines standpoint and visitors standpoint. Unequal Seo companies contribute conflicting Seo services to enhance the search engine visibility of their clients website. As a webmaster you have adopted various Seo techniques to boost your search engine visibility, but yet you have not got your desired result. Then its time for you to seriously consider hiring a professional Seo company who can give a phillip to your websites visibility in the major search engines.

James Saunders is the owner of Traffic Booster Pro at, the SEO Tool and Marketing Tool that turns any web site into a Self managing unit! Self Growing Intelligence Web Sites builder at http://TrafficBoosterProV2.comVanda Blog79822
Vitia Blog60379

Direct Mail Advertising - Tips and Tricks

Direct mail advertising is a marketing technique you will likely use in your virtual IT business. Because this type of advertising can be expensive, it is best to know the ins and outs before you begin.

Direct Mail Advertising Tips

It typically takes at least three to five pieces of direct mail advertising before you get a response, and sometimes a lot more! To improve your response rate, you should be using a highly targeted direct mail advertising list.

To obtain a highly targeted direct mail advertising list, rent one that has some common element: industry, occupation, etc...

Once you have a highly targeted list, write a headline for your direct mail advertising that hits the target audience's hot buttons. With a good headline and good copy theres no reason why you can't up the standard 1% response rate into the 3% - 5% range.

To find out what your target audience would be most interested in, poll some of them. There is no point sending out direct mail advertising if your offer is not appealing.

Use postcards for your direct mail advertising rather than letters. You can get them out the door faster, there is less copy to write, you'll save money on the printing, you'll save money on the postage, and you can mail more often and more pieces.

Set up a system to track and measure every single inquiry on the mailer. This way you can determine if the inquiries are coming after the first, second, third, etc.. piece of direct mail advertising received.

Use a two-step sales process. Get them first to raise their hand by making an inquiry and then you take over and do a more rigorous qualification after that.

Make your direct mail advertising date-sensitive. This forces a response sooner rather than later.

Send out a small, 500 - 1000 piece, test sample. This way you can make changes to the direct mail advertising copy or change your list before you make a big investment.

Bottom Line on Direct Mail Advertising

Direct mail advertising can be an effective tool. The key to maximizing your return with it is to be smart about it. Use the tips above to create a direct mail advertising campaign that will get you the results you need.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg, co-owner of Computer Consulting 101, gets computer consulting businesses more steady high-paying clients. Now you can too with your free access pass to proven computer consulting secrets at Blog35168
Ester Blog6901

Editing and Organize Your Photos With New Easy To Use Google's Software: Picasa

The tremendous increase of using Digital Photography in the past few years gave birth to a growing need for good, easy to use and free picture editing and organization software.

There are not too many good and satisfying softwares for ordinary people like you and me that just want to download photos from our new digital camera which were taken on our last vacation. We don't need the complicated and deadly frustrating features that require half a year course to understand. Most of the softwares on the market today have been tailored for the use of photography professionals, graphic designer artists and image processing technicians. These softwares are very very expensive and hard to use.

All we need is an easy way to organize, edit and share our pictures. This is when Google decided to develop software just for our needs. And so they came up with 'Picasa'.

Picasa is surprisingly intuitive and easy to use, has very comfortable interface and relaxing graphics. The moment you enter Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures, you will be surprised of how many pictures Picasa found that you didn't even know they exist. You can edit, share, organize in albums and print your pictures. Let's find out about the new features Picasa presents:

-Editing: Optimize your digital pictures with Picasa: remove red-eyes, improve color saturation, sharpening and much more with just few simple clicks.

-Organize: With Picasa you can instantly locate and organize all pictures on your PC and create your own photo albums

-Share: Send your photos to your Friends and Family right from Picasa.

-Publish your pictures on your blog and creating your own picture website was never easier like with Picasa.

-Creating beautiful slide shows is simple and intuitive

Print your favorite photos at home or order professional high quality Photo books , collages or movies directly from Picasa.

In addition to the main features above Picasa also gives you the possibility to burn Gift CDs with Pictures inside to add label for every picture and it is able to perform a Ranking within all available images in order to choose the best ones.

As you can see Picasa offer great variety of options and features while keeping it simple as possible for the common amateur photographer like me.

With the free distribution of this excellent software product, Google has set a heavy milestone in the fast growing Digital Imaging business. No doubt that Picasa is the best choice now days:

You can visit Picasa Download center at and Download the software for free.

Best regards and fun photo organizing.

Maxim Shramko, is a well known internet entrepreneur among other webmaster's experties he writes special reviews on new highly important products. http://www.max-experts.comFaythe Blog18199
Vinnie Blog1761

Internet Marketing: Is Your Website Sticky?

A website is one of the most powerful marketing tools that you can implement. You can update it immediately; it is unique to your business; it can be seen by thousands of people who are searching for EXACTLY what you have to offer; and it works as your sales force 24/7. And, it can be expanded and changed over time.

Make sure that your website includes content that will keep your prospects coming back. This is called a sticky site. Things like articles, tips, and quizzes not only show off your company's expertise and skills, but they are interesting and can educate people about a wide variety of topics.

Here are some things you can do to enhance the stickiness of your site:

1. Update Your Portfolio: If you have a portfolio of your work (photographers, architects, landscapers, designers, writers, etc.), keep your "latest and greatest" work current. Send an enthusiastic e-mail to your customers to let them know when you update it.

2. Write Articles: You are an expert in your field. Customers are hungry for the information only you can provide. Give them helpful advice and tips. On your homepage, let website visitors know about this section.

3. Add a Discussion Forum: Your website designer can help you add a discussion forum. This allows visitors to communicate with each other, and your staff can provide helpful answers.

4. Create a "Links" Page: Customers like being able to find out more information regarding their purchasing decisions. With a links page, you can map the way for them to visit other related websites. People will return to your site as a resource to access this compilation of links.

5. Publish an Ezine: Publishing an ezine will help position your business as an expert in your field. It sets you apart from your competitors and instills confidence and trust in your readers, making it easier for them to do business with you. You can archive your articles on your website on an ongoing basis to refresh your content for business.

6. Ask Your Site Visitors What They Want: Is there something in your business you are considering? Do you want some feedback on a service? Why not ask for your customers opinion? You can post an online opinion poll and down the road, post customers responses.

7. Start a Blog: If you are committed to posting regularly, a blog can be a great way to build relationships with your customers and leads. You can give them advice about services or products, you can offer them helpful advices, and you can give business updates. Best of all, a blog is easy to set up and update!

8. Publish "Audio Bytes": There is so much great technology you can easily incorporate on your website. One example of this is easy-to-record audio. You can create audio reports or radio shows to give your visitors helpful advice.

Copyright 2006 Marketing Maven

Wendy Maynard, your friendly Marketing Maven, publishes REMARKABLE MARKETING, a weekly marketing ezine for business owners, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. If you're ready to skyrocket your sa1es, easily attract customers, and have more fun, subscribe at Blog83079
Fey Blog86450

Are You Making As Much Money As You Should Be With Search Engine Marketing? Here Are Seven Questions To Help With Your Evaluation.

As with any industry in its infancy, the search engine marketing and search engine optimization professions are full of many people making claims of professional expertise. With no standardized set of professional certifications or demonstration of competency, just about anyone can claim to be an expert in search engine marketing.

How do you know if the adviser you are working with is any good? Unfortunately, there is no central spot allowing you to research an advisers professional qualifications and results history. This leaves you with both subjective and quantitative analysis to be done to arrive at your conclusion. Here are some key questions to ask:

How well am I doing?

Mike Moran, IBMs search engine marketing expert, states that many companies make the mistake of measuring their performance against others. The error with this approach is that it fails to allow for differences between businesses goals and objectives, as well as fails to acknowledge incremental improvements gained through search marketing efforts.

Its also important to make sure you are evaluating the elements that are really important to your business success. Most organic search marketing programs need six months or more for maximum impacts. With all this being said, the key thing to look for is consistent incremental improvements in your key metric performance areas.

What is this costing me?

The purpose of a search engine marketing or search engine optimization adviser is to make you money. Obviously, if your results are improving, thats a good sign. However, its a short-sighted approach to focus on growth only without costs being considered. Great advisers provide gross results and net results with management and advisory fees included. This allows you to fully assess how much you are paying for performance.

Am I getting the correct advice?

Is the advice you are getting specific to your situation, or is your adviser currently promoting the latest internet fad that they recommend to everyone? What qualifications does the adviser have to make recommendations? What attempts has the adviser made to understand your business objectives and processes. What do they know about your other marketing initiatives, both traditional and online?

Your adviser should be up-to-date on the latest communication technologies and their impacts on search marketing. They should be actively involved in trade associations promoting best practices, ethical search engine marketing standards and on-going education. Some of the professional associations promoting these ideals include the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), the Web Analytics Association, the eMarketing Association, the American Marketing Association and the Direct Marketing Association.

How often do I hear from my adviser?

Regular interactions with your adviser are crucial for long-term, consistent search engine marketing success. The purpose of these interactions is to discuss results and take corrective actions.

Search engines constantly change the factors they use to provide organic search results. The highly competitive and ever-changing nature of online marketing demands more than just yearly attention to your search engine marketing program. A quarterly review should be the minimum requirement for most search marketers.

Great advisers also publish newsletters, write blogs, and produce podcasts, all with the intention of increasing your online marketing knowledge and effectiveness.

Finally, ask yourself how often you hear from your adviser and how long it takes them to respond to your inquiries. If the only time you hear from them is when they want you to buy something, that may indicate a need for a change.

Is my adviser putting my interests first?

Trust your instincts on this one. Is your adviser more interested in getting your money or in helping your business profit from their efforts? Are you working with a bill you by the second machine or someone that appears genuinely interested in seeing your business grow? Do you feel like your adviser really cares about what happens with your investment and its return?

Do I need more than search engine marketing advice?

Developing search engine marketing and search engine optimization strategies and tactics may be all you need from a search engine marketing adviser, but most companies require a broader array of professional services, including web site development, copywriting, ad campaign management, web performance analytics and more. Is your adviser capable of providing that?

A great search marketing adviser helps your business to be found online; works to convert web site visitors into desired business actions; and, measures impacts and analyzes data to ensure peak marketing results. This often requires the search engine marketing adviser to offer programming and development services, graphic design, link building, newsletter, web page and other copywriting services, web analytics services and much more.

Make an assessment of your current and future online marketing needs and make sure your adviser has the professional expertise to assist in those areas.

Still unsure if you are working with the right adviser?

Ask for advice from professional trade organizations like those mentioned earlier within this article. Ask your accountant about other businesses like yours (not direct competitors) that are growing well and contact them to find out who they work with.

For those of you with multiple websites or businesses, hire multiple advisers. Let them dish it out while you evaluate who performs the best. Returns are important but also test them by asking their opinion on issues of importance to you. Youll learn a lot by the answers you receive.

© 2006. BizGrowth Search Engine Solutions and Brian Offenberger. All rights reserved. Permission to publish online or in print granted provided the article and byline are printed intact with live links.

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